What does a healthy plant need?

Registered for ecological agriculture according to the EC regulation no. 834/2007 and 889/2008 PANAMIN®

PANAMIN® is a natural, micronized mixture of minerals (Feldspar, Clay, Bentonite, Silicate) with a great variety of complex nutrients (Calcium, Magnesium, Silicium + traces of Iron, Phosphate und Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Zinc) for the plant. Each mineral has its special feature for the plant. verdosages are impossible, because only the plant´s depot of minerals will be filled up according to their remineralisation needs.
Verdosages are impossible, because only the plant´s depot of minerals will be filled up according to their remineralisation needs.

Practice shows, not only in Austria – when you stick to the instructions – tremendous results (significantly less diseases, enormous savings in chemical and other ecolocigal products, higher yield and quality).

PANAMIN® is not a miracle, but nothing more than a perfect analytical-scientific system for strengthening the plant´s resistance.

PANAMIN® reduces the temperature within the plant, increases the uptake of sunlight and increments the chlorphyll production.

See in detail the effects of the particular COMPONENTS:


In nature calcium occurs only in the combined form as a component of minerals and has to be separated.

The solubility of a substance shows the volume in which one pure substance can be dissolved in a solvent. It shows the quality of the substance to mix with the solvent in homogeneous distribution (such as atoms, molecules or ions), i.e. to dissolve. In most cases the solvent is a liquid

In this field we did a lot of research with PANAMIN and we can affirm that the CaO contained in PANAMIN is of exceptional quality.

Besides, calcium is not just calcium. Mineralogists are familiar with the great differences of various resources in their origin, reaction speed, the contents of the CaO, etc. First of all, however, the solubility makes the difference, because it enables the access to and stripping of calcium.

As always, the difference is in the detail:

Nowadays, there are many minerals on the market, so you have to take care of: who, what, when, where, how and why. There are mineral powders that are barely or only poor soluble, resp. waste products are advertised as expensive calcium resources.

THE ROLE OF CALCIUM: There is no growth without calcium.

The irregular supply of plants with water is often the main cause of lack of Ca. When stress reasons such as long droughts, surprising occurrence of frosts, calcium oxide (CaO) is the guarantor of good survival of plants.

However, calcium is also important for the process of metabolism of nitrogen, as it accelerates the absorption of ammonia. Since nitrogen is the main element in compounds of the amino acids that form the protein core, calcium helps the plant to combine the nitrogen ions coming from the soil in the form of ammonium ions. As the plant cannot combine the atmospheric nitrogen, nitrogen supply is possible only from the soil through the calcium system.

The role of calcium here is huge, as the process of photosynthesis and the secondary metabolism are stimulated by the combined ammonia ions.

Calcium is a vital nutrient for all crop plants and serves:

To build and stabilize the cell membranes

For faster and better growth of the roots

pH-level increased through calcium

The process of metabolism of nitrogen in the form of ammonia is essentially accelerated

Thus, calcium is not only substantial but also a vital component for effective plant growing. So through calcium soil and plants are reactivated and become environmentally friendly. Treatment with calcium using PANAMIN is so effective because PANAMIN is surface active. And we have to ask ourselves, why it was not used it before.

Carbon Dioxide

How does CO2 enter the plant? In fact, PANAMIN mixed with water is almost colloidal (water-soluble and leaves suspension during the dispersion) and it is applied with ordinary spreaders as foliar fertilizer. Sprayed as a mist it falls on the leaves. The particles of PANAMIN are so small that they can be absorbed straight from the leaves of the plant through the stomata, resp. the cuticla. The intercellular carbon dioxide present in the plant subsequently divides the calcium carbonate CaC3 into CaO and CO2. The resulting CO2 influences and enhances the photosynthesis in such a way that the plant shall not seek, respectively, shall seek less energy, and can concentrate on the essentials, it has to do: to grow

The more CO2 in the leaves, the more progressive is the balance of calcium.

Systematic presentation of coagulation:

In most plants photosynthesis takes place based on the content of CO2 in normal air from 0.03% (300 ppm), but not optimally. Its maximum result, however, photosynthesis reaches in tenfold higher dosing of 0.3% volume CO2. International scientific studies show that, for example, the wheat has optimal need of CO2 of 0.12% (= x 4). Thousands greenhouses throughout the world have been operating for decades by feeding the technical CO2 to level 1100-1450 ppm (three times the CO2 content than there is in the air).

Photosynthesis is enhanced through the feeding of PANAMIN. The effects of this fertilization is further enhanced with the micro and macro nutrients contained in it (CaO, Fe, Si, Mn, Mg).

Why does the plant need more CO2 than it can absorb from the normal air?

Photosynthesis is enhanced in the presence of stronger light and the need of CO2 in the plant increases. In normal case this is done through the opening of the stomata, because there CO2 can enter the leaves. In case CO2 is enough, however, the stomata shall open less, in consequence of which the plant shall lose less moisture. In order to absorb a single molecule of carbon dioxide the plant loses hundreds of water molecules (Wissenschaft. de)

When the leaves contain the relevant quantities of CO2, the stomata close, which explains the reduced water loss. As a result of the closure, in the closed position viruses, bacteria, fungus and other causes of disease cannot penetrate the leaves (90% of all agents enter through the stomata). Through the application of PANAMIN the plant keeps optimal water reserve. In periods of drought and surprising occurrence of frosts, the water content shall be very important for the survival of the plant once it consists of up to 80-90% of water.

Further effects of PANAMIN on Xylem/Phylem, turgor, Calvin – Cycle, ATPase and so on we would not present due to the large volume of information. Every educated agronomist shall understand right away and at the very beginning, why PANAMIN affects the basic biological laws.

Research of recognised institutes and universities have finally shown that the following view shall be presented only through increased CO2 feeding and so we have excluded from this consideration the additional substances contained in PANAMIN CaO , Fe etc.

If all components shall be included in the influence, PANAMIN shall show a completely new view of the growth of the plant. Healthy, strong, fast growing and resistant plants with higher yields qualitatively and quantitatively.


The term silicium comes from the Latin word silex (flint). It expresses that silicium is often an integral part of many minerals and after oxygen and before aluminium it is second in frequency occurring element in the Earth’s crust.

Silicium today is widely associated with glass or sand, in each case with quartz or with the modern production of solar collectors. Si has a striking capabilities particularly well-known as diatomaceous earth, mainly in agriculture.

Nowadays, silicium has been scientifically better studied and is a reliable source for the following areas in the plant, as here should also be noted that the origin and quality of silicium are decisive for the success. The silicium contained in PANAMIN is an extremely high-quality mineral.

For several years special silicates (main component of silicium) have been used as secondary substances to the soil for agricultural areas, and for vegetable and fruit growing. It has been found that most ion exchange ability of silicates increases the absorption of micro elements and nutrients in a unique way.

Effects of PANAMIN on plants feeding:

The roots of the plants are covered with a layer of bacteria (rhizospheric microorganisms) Generally, the space to 40 mm around the root is called rhizosphere. This space is of particular interest on the ecology of the soil, because here the soil and plant interact. These micro-organisms live on the secretions of roots and in turn produce phytohormones (gibberellins, auxins), which stimulates the growth of roots – one closed regulatory cycle. There is always a lack of nutrients under natural conditions in the soil. The bacteria are able to release nutrients from soil particles. Thus, microorganisms mobilize the nutrients from the soil. Through the bio-stimulation in the application of PANAMIN it is possible to increase the bacterial biomass of the root zone and to enhance the growth of the roots. Absorption of Si(OH)4 form soil, and respectively in the plant creates new and healthy cell membranes, preventing the entry of undesirable agents of disease.

The silicium contained and specially selected in PANAMIN accumulates both the existing in plant nitrogen and potassium and releases it slowly – a kind of buffer. In addition, the capacity of water storing is increased 300 times.

If we look, for example, that bamboo is composed of 77% silicium and demonstrates the elasticity and hardness of the bamboo plant, so it is no wonder that grasses, wheat and rice are showing new life. With the rice, for example, it has been evidenced, that the volume of transpiration is 30% smaller, because it contains enough silicium.

Micro macro elements

Micro elements are vital nutrients for the soil and the plants. Most often, the market provides nowadays in liquid or granular form plenty of offers and a fertilizer without micro/macro elements hardly exists.

In principle, we supply the plant the micro elements with nutrients that due to the unfavourable pH -level in the soil cannot be extracted, or are not contained in the soil. Erosion and absorption of plants lead along with the high application of nitrogen in agriculture to the presence of soils poor in minerals.

So, the question for the presence of the micro elements in the soil, respectively, in plants is an important aspect of the

study of plants and their absorption – another aspect.

Ideal application may take place only if:

pH-level is maximum, which guarantees solubility

the soil has the ability to absorb them in order to store them

available are relevant analyses of the soil and of the leaves

Fact is that every time when we apply PANAMIN we increase optimal the pH-value and as result the plant shall be rich in the natural micro and macro elements of PANAMIN.

In addition, PANAMIN has plenty of micro/macro elements.

So, with PANAMIN we remineralise the soil and the plant organically and take care of the optimisation of the pH-level for the elements presence in plants.